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In the middle of everything.



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  • Population    105 (2020)

    Distance to Des Moines    75 miles

    Distance to Kansas City    153 miles

    Distance to Omaha             114 miles

    The city of Cromwell was founded in 1869 and was the preliminary choice for the division point on the new Burlington & Missouri River Railroad (B&MRR) line. Selection as the division point would mean rapid growth for the community as the railroad built a roundhouse, machine shops, and other facilities. Unfortunately, after further examination, B&MRR surveyors decided that the nearby land would require too much work to make a division point at Cromwell practical. Instead, Creston was chosen, and its population would grow to over 7,000 while Cromwell reached just over 200 at its peak at the turn of the century.


Union County

Cromwell, Iowa




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